Sunday, November 16, 2008

Old Testament Jewels

I am surprised at the low level of interest in the Old Testament. It is so full of fun stories and accounts. Although sometimes morbid by common standards, it contains some awesome lessons and thoughts that are frequently overlooked. For example, in 2nd Kings 20 Hezekiah (through Isaiah) asked that the Lord turn back a shadow 10 degrees. To me this shows the faith of Hezekiah. I don't know if I would have had the faith to place such a request--not in the context of "show me a sign or I won't believe," but more along the lines of "I know God can do this, and I want to know if it is his will for it to occur" (for Hezekiah to live in this case).

I have come along many other fun stories as well in the course of my reading, like the voice of the Lord being a still, small voice for Elijah; a man being healed by merely touching Elisha's bones; and many others. The Old Testament rocks.

I know that the Old Testament is the word of God, and that it is beneficial and worthwhile to read and think about. I have come to know God better while reading it.

1 comment:

Ben and Debi's Blog said...

Hey Ben, I love your testimony of the Old Testament. You just left our house to write your paper and remembered you said you had set up a blog. I didn't quite know how to find it, but with a little ingenuity, here I am. I also am always glad to find a fellow lover of the Old Testament. I hope you will be able to read the second half of the Old Testament and find it just as amazing as the first half. (The middle chapters of Job are kind of depressing, so if you want to avoid that kind of thing, this is a heads up. I've also never read the Songs of Solomon due to advice from others.)

Good luck with your paper and Happy Thanksgiving! Juli